Call me ignorant or just plain ignoratic(if such word exists) because i'm just finding out about Nairalist which is a classified ads website that allows you to post job vacancies, car sales and just about any product that you want to sell online. It is owned by Seun Osewa of Nairaland, Nigeria's largest online forum.
With the recent arrival of Dealfish Nigeria, i can only stand and watch how the battle to dominate the online
advert space pans out because Dealfish has really invested a lot of money both online and offline to get their name to be known as Nigeria's Number one Classified ads service provider.
To give it a spin, you can go to and tell me what you think in the comment section below.
With the recent arrival of Dealfish Nigeria, i can only stand and watch how the battle to dominate the online
advert space pans out because Dealfish has really invested a lot of money both online and offline to get their name to be known as Nigeria's Number one Classified ads service provider.
To give it a spin, you can go to and tell me what you think in the comment section below.